Tuesday, March 21, 2006

So, then I left comics behind and moved on to another format (this week's class readings are about changing formats). Sonya Sones writes novels in verse. If you've read my comments on Tanya Lee's Stone's new book, you know my feelings about novels in verse. Not my favorite format. But this is quite possibly my favorite novel in verse.
Sophie is searching for the right boy, but when she finds him, he certainly isn't who she expected. Does she have the courage to share her feelings for him with others and risk being ridiculed by the whole school?
I think this is a sweet story about love a courage and would love it even more if it was an actual novel, so I could get to know Sophie and Robin better. Still, the poems are fun and their words and style share more about Sophie then one would expect. A great choice for those who love novels in verse, those who have never read a novel in verse, and those, like me, who have mixed feelings about novels in verse.
For another great novel in verse, try Sones's newer book, One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies.

Sones, Sonya. What My Mother Doesn't Know. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2001. ISBN 0689841140. $17.00.


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